Fort Square Presbyterian Church
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Discipleship Essentials
Sun Feb 16 @ 9:00am - 09:45am
Sunday School -- all ages
Sun Feb 16 @ 9:00am - 09:45am
Prayer Time
Sun Feb 16 @ 9:30am - 09:50am
Morning Worship
Sun Feb 16 @10:00am - 11:30pm
AA 11-Step Meeting
Mon Feb 17 @ 7:00am - 08:00am
AA Quincy Meet
Mon Feb 17 @ 6:00pm - 09:00pm
What to Expect

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New to Fort Square?
We welcome you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! We invite you to get to know our church family, and we hope you will consider making Fort Square Presbyterian your church home. You’ll find Fort Square to be a welcoming, culturally-diverse congregation. We would be happy to answer any questions you might have or simply pray with you.
How to Find Us
We are located in Quincy, Massachusetts, a city just south of Boston. For directions and maps, click the following link:  Parking is available on Pleasant Street in front of the church, on Stevens Street around the corner from the church, and across the street at an open lot at the corner of School Street and Brook Road.
A Warm Welcome
The best way to get to know us is to attend our Sunday morning worship service at 10:00 am. Our service is blended, meaning it contains elements of both traditional and contemporary worship. When you enter our church, you’ll be greeted by members of the congregation. One of our ushers will help you find a seat in our beautiful historic sanctuary. Our church is fully handicapped-accessible (doorway ramps and a chair lift) with a sound reinforcement system.
Making Music
At Fort Square, we believe in making “a joyful noise to the Lord.” You’ll hear contemporary praise songs, traditional hymns, instrumental music, as well as piano and organ music. We have a choir and a praise team so there is something for everyone.
Offering Our Prayers
Fort Square is a praying church, and we offer up our praise and concerns at several points during the service. After the service, an elder and a deacon are available at the front of the church for your personal prayer needs. If you wish, you may also send prayer requests through the Contact Us section in the top menu of the website. One of our elders will respond and forward your request to the deacons and the pastor.
The Lord’s Supper
The Lord’s Supper, or Communion, happens on the first Sunday of every month at Fort Square. During this time, in deference to Covid 19, our elements are in one small cup that a Deacon hands the member and each member opens individually.  After a short prayer and reflection, we all partake together. 
Our Offering
Each week, an offering is taken to support our church and our ministries. As a visitor, you need not give during the offering, but if you have prayer concerns, please drop them in the collection plate.
Hearing God’s Word
At each worship service, the pastor or a guest speaker will offer a sermon, or a lesson based on God’s Word. We begin with readings from the Old and New Testaments. This is a valuable time for reflection, insight, and uplift.
A Great Experience for Your Children
We at Fort Square take very seriously the responsibility that comes with your entrusting your children to us on Sunday mornings.  We're committed to providing them with the very best experience we can, from engaging lessons that bring the Bible to life and point them to Jesus, to fun, age-appropriate activities that reinforce the life-giving truths of Scripture -- all in a safe, secure environment.  All our teachers must complete a rigorous Child Safety training course and pass thorough background checks.  And our church has installed a state-of-the-art video camera security system, designed to allow us to monitor every area of our church building.  You can feel good about bringing your family to Fort Square Church!
Children's Ministry
Our Children's Ministry offers programs year-round for children from kindergarten through grade 5.   This ministry program is currently under review so we do not have a program actively in place.
Free Child Care
Fort Square offers an adult-supervised nursery during Sunday morning worship for babies up to age four. Staff members are certified in child safety. We provide a safe and nurturing environment that cultivates a love for God and respect for others. Children are signed in and picked up by a parent or guardian.
Closing the Service
Our service ends with a benediction from the pastor or guest speaker. This special moment not only wraps up the worship time, but also prepares us for going out in the world strengthened with God’s love. Following the service, the congregation visits with friends and welcomes the opportunity to meet our visitors. Twice a month, a coffee hour in the Fellowship Hall follows the worship service.

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© Copyright 2025  Fort Square Presbyterian Church  |  16 Pleasant Street, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169  |  617-471-6806